Co-Parenting Counseling
When parenting is even MORE difficult…
Blended families are becoming more and more common, but that doesn’t mean they’re getting any easier to deal with.
Parenting itself is something that’s impossible to do perfectly, and having to do it while navigating the complexities of a separated or divorced relationship is almost always difficult… and often very overwhelming.
The struggles you had when you were together are magnified now – you have different ideas of what school would be best, how to encourage extracurricular activities, maybe even what they should be eating – but now, you also have disagreements about scheduling, about holidays, about who should pay for what. Learn more about co-parenting counseling Fairfax Northern Virginia.
One or both of you are dating again, and you disagree about when your children should meet the significant other and how to even have that conversation with them.
You love your kids more than anything, so how can you feel so close to the opposite of that about someone who contributed half of their DNA?
It seems impossible, but it’s not.
Sometimes Co-Parents just need to sit down and talk things through, and sometimes they need more than that.
When you come in for Co-Parenting Counseling in Fairfax Northern Virginia, we’ll get a history of what’s happened from each of you. We won’t pass judgement or assess who’s “right” or “wrong,” but rather we’ll establish a foundation of understanding for how each of you perceives the problem. Then we’ll figure out what you both want from the relationship, and we’ll set some firm goals for our sessions.
Throughout the entire process, we’ll help you both by maintaining a neutral, judgement-free approach to help you not only compromise on your current problems, but to establish a working relationship that will help you both be better parents in the future.
Each of you will have the opportunity to fully explore every aspect of what’s important to you…
…and you’ll both benefit from our professional experience in helping Co-Parents develop working, trusting relationships.
Once everything has been “ironed out,” most Co-Parents remain open to “spot checks” or “as needed” sessions, where new problems can be addressed.
Often, though, our professional services are no longer needed once people have reached this point, as they’ve learned to effectively Co-Parent on their own.
We can help, so let’s get started with co-parenting counseling near Fairfax Northern Virginia
Pick up the phone and call (703) 732-6426 right now, or email us at gregory.adams@familywellnessgroup.com, and we’ll schedule a free, 15-minute phone consultation.
During your consultation, we’ll get an idea of what you see as the problem in your Co-Parenting relationship – and we’ll get an idea of how we can help with co-parenting counseling Fairfax Northern Virginia.
We’ll then schedule your initial appointment, and you’ll start your journey toward a healthier, less-stressed Co-Parenting relationship.
We also offer discernment counseling, family therapy, individual therapy and parenting coordination.